Effective Web Design Tips

In the modern environment where the Internet plays a huge role in business, having a fabulous website is one of the best ways to grow your business. When you are designing your business website, it is important to look for the best ways to attract your target audience. Many web users will visit a site that they find attractive and will overlook those they consider boring. A quality web design will have a huge impact on the number of visitors who visit and return to your site. Here are some simple tips for designing effective websites.

Understand Your Audience     

You have to know your audience so that you can come up with the most effective strategy. Knowing those who will be visiting your site will help you when it comes to choosing content, layout, social integration, and other design elements. Creating a website that will attract your target audience will require the use of online tools like Google Analytics that will allow you to assess the behavior of your visitors. Using the online tools and analyzing the keyword search can help you tailor your content and design in a way attracts more traffic.

The Design Layout

It is critical to think about how visitors view the site. The layout plays a major role when it comes to successful design. Visitors do not want to be bombarded by numerous ads, images that do not make sense, or uninteresting content. You have to think about everything that appears on your website. Think about everything from the image slider you use to the number of subheadings. It’s also important to consider how your website will affect opinions about your brand.

The Typography

Your content must be legible, which means selecting the best font type and size, the spacing, and all other facets of the print. Typography will affect the reading experience. It is also important to ensure that your content is free of grammatical and other errors. Remember, you may only have one brief chance to make an impression and you need to give your readers reason to come back.

Interactive Website

An effective website should always be interactive. Communication is a two way street and people want to feel that they are welcome to comment or provide feedback. Visitors are more likely to trust a company when they feel that they can share their ideas freely. Engaging your clients will allow you to personalize an otherwise impersonal Inrtnet property. Just keep an eye out for spam!


The increased use of smart phones and tablets creates a unique challenge for web designers. It’s important that your website resizes appropriate to the device that is being used to view it. This also impacts the images and media that you use on your website: although these things create interest and enhance your site’s appearance, they must also act responsively when the website resizes to fit devices with small screens.


About the Author:

Benjamin Roussey is from Sacramento, CA. He has two master’s degrees and served four years in the U.S. Navy. His bachelor’s degree is from CSUS (1999), where he was on a baseball pitching scholarship. His second master’s degree is an MBA in Global Management from the University of Phoenix (2006), where he learned his writing prowess. He has worked everywhere, from small businesses, to large corporations, to public agencies. He has lived in South Korea and Saudi Arabia, where he taught English as a second language. Benjamin now writes professionally for several clients in a variety of market verticals. He lives in Phoenix, Arizona, and enjoys sports, movies, reading, and keeping up on current events.